Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sloan Comes for a Visit

On Thursday, what a surprise I had. Lynne Biel brought Sloan over to visit with Aunt Kay-Kay. What a precious little girl. Lynne, PLEASE come by more often.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lenny & Kay in San Francisco

Lenny arranged a few days in San Francisco for my birthday. What a great trip it was. The food, the weather, the people, our hotel was all fabulous. Thanks Lenny!

People we met

Lenny wanted to go to this Irish Bar that was across the street from our hotel. We met the nicest couple from Las Vegas. Billy and Peggy Rogers who was celebrating their wedding anniversary. We also met a flight attendant Jackie and her sister that were in SF for the weekend. We had a great evening.

Out and About in San Francisco

Lenny and I took a 9 mile bike ride from San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge into Sausalito for lunch and shopping. I fell in love with Sausalito.

Birthday Dinner

Picture of Travis and me at my birthday dinner.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treaters

I had some cute little boys come by to show off their costumes and pick up some candy. Their costumes might be scary, but they gave some great hugs.