Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lenny decided to volunteer his services to South by Southwest this year. He is helping the bands set up at a bar called Spills on 6th Street. Wednesday he got home at 3:30 a.m. and Thursday was 4:00 a.m. Needless to say he was a little tired and a little hard of hearing after the loud bands. He works tonight (Saturday). He helped set up Los Lonely Boys on Thursday which was pretty cool.

Knitting Update

As I noted in an earlier post that I took a knitting class last Saturday. In the class I learned to Perl. I had already started this scarf with a regular stitch. Very eager to perl I decided to make up my own pattern.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day Light Savings Time

HURRAY IT'S HERE! One of my favorite times of the year is when we "spring" forward. It also wouldn't be the same if we didn't party at the Aston's with friends to bring in this exciting time. The tradition is always stuffed mushrooms which are yummy and lots of cocktails of course. Besides this special day we celebrate Loy's birthday. He's so lucky to share his birthday with day Light Savings Time!

Enjoy the extra hour!

Day Light Savings Time Party

Loy & LaNell's famous stuffed mushrooms and hot peppers! YUMMY

Knitting 101 Training

I attended a Knitting class yesterday at JoAnn's Fabric. I really enjoyed the class. I was really glad that my other teacher "Charrise" taught me so much before. I did learn to pearl which is a backward regular stitch. Anyway, the teacher told me I was ready for the pattern class and even the baby hat class. I think I will stick to the knit/pearl for a while.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Toe Time

Okay...I've got my first polish of 2010 so with that said, to me spring is on it's way! I know it was not a sunny day but I thought I should get ready for Day Light Savings time that happens next weekend. For all of you that know me, that is a very great day for me! Sandal time is right around the corner.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Walter, Lenny and I helped Wayne at the "Cowboy Breakfast" on Friday. We started off our morning by picking up Walter at 5:00 a.m. After that its all history. Lenny and Walter flipped pancakes while Tami, Courtney and myself served pancakes and sausage wraps. I think we served every cowboy and cowgirl in Austin along with every homeless person. It was fun but I never want to see a sausage wrap again!